Should I Have My Home Cleaned while on Holiday

Have you planned your summer holiday yet? Whether you are travelling abroad or just to another part of the UK, chances are you don’t want to spend the whole summer at home. Very often, when going away for a while, regular domestic cleaning clients wonder if they should keep their appointments. That’s a personal choice above everything else, but there are some benefits you may want to consider before you cancel your cleaning visit.


Maintenance is Key


People believe they only need to clean a home when there are people living in it because of the mess they create. Sure, it’s much messier when adults and children carry out their daily activities at home. Dirt, however, accumulates all the time, with or without your presence in the property. Dust particles, allergens and a variety of microorganisms continue to inhabit and spread in your home even if you are not there. Regular cleaning during your holiday is still very important for the maintenance of a healthy home.


Cost-Efficient in the Long Run


Many clients who choose to cancel their regular appointments while away, then find themselves in need of a deep clean. The longer your property goes without cleaning, the more there is to do once the cleaner is back. Deep cleaning takes a longer time and is also more expensive than regular visits. So, if you just keep your regular cleans while on holiday you can save money.


Come Back to a Welcoming Environment


Hopefully you had an amazing time during your trip. You are now relaxed and positively charged. Imagine how your mood would spoil if you came back to a home that doesn’t look its best. You will feel the difference in the quality of air. Some surfaces would have accumulated dust and generally the energy you feel wouldn’t be as welcoming as you would wish.


Alternatively, if your cleaner kept coming to the property while you were away, they would make sure the environment looks and feels cosy. At Bredon Hill Cleaning Services we pay great attention to the smallest details. What our clients love the most about our service is that we always add a little extra to make them feel special.




Some people are uncomfortable letting cleaners in while they are far away from home. However, if you have a regular cleaner they almost become a part of the family. Therefore, it is someone you can trust to keep an eye on your home while you are gone. Domestic accidents happen when the residents are not in and if you can rely on someone to check the property even just once a week, that’s still a major security plus.


What is your opinion on having cleaners in while you are on holiday? Let us know what feels right for you. Also, if you are one of our regular clients and decide not to keep your appointment, please let us know as soon as possible, so we can update our schedule and give your slot to someone else.