Home Interior Trends for Spring/Summer 2022

Home Interior Trends: Who’s ready for a mini house renovation just in time for the revival of nature and the exciting long summer days? You don’t have to have a huge budget to bring a positive change in your living space and make it feel amazing. Follow these super easy home interior trends for spring/summer 2022.

Live Plants

Honestly, there are so many benefits of growing green plants inside your home. First, the air quality will be elevated several times as they produce more oxygen. Then, you get the fulfilment of growing a living thing all by yourself. You will notice improved concentration, more energy during the day and better sleep at night. Furthermore, it seems to be one of the hottest trends of home decor for SS22. It is easy to start, not expensive and very satisfying practice that can turn into a long-term hobby.

Self Spaces

The past couple of years taught us how important it is to have a small area at home that is dedicated just to you. It could be your study room, a work/creative corner or a little sanctuary that you built within your bedroom or living room. Spending time with family and seeing their faces every day is great, however, it could be overwhelming at times. Therefore, creating self spaces has become a leading trend in home interior design this season. Pick up an area that you can make feel a bit more intimate and secluded with cushions, large house plants or other items. Then put your personal touches like photographs, planners, candles and so on.

Open Plan Kitchen

To get that done if you live in a traditional house, built many years ago, you will have to splash a bit more money for reconstruction. But you won’t regret it. Open plan kitchens make your place feel a lot more homely, they bring the family together and quite often improve the access of natural light to the dining/living area. Not to mention that this type of design makes cleaning much easier and speeds up the process.


Thinking of changing some of your furniture? Go for round shapes and a lot of curves. This trend dominates the interior design catalogues and magazines in spring/summer 2022. It makes you feel more connected with your home, as well as protected from outside factors.

Same-colour Skirting Boards

If you are looking to make your home feel more spacious, paint the walls and the skirting boards in the same colour. It creates the illusion of extremely long walls and a feeling of living in your own bubble. In terms of colours, you should probably go for pastel shades that promote calmness and resonate with the energy of rebirth.

Countryside Look

We absolutely love this trend! One of our favourite types of properties have always been cottages. It’s the countryside design that gives this warm feeling of being connected to your roots and nature. The 70s interior touches and colours are also making a comeback this season and we can’t wait to see more homes redesigned to fit those trends.

How do you imagine the perfect home? What changes would you make to yours to bring it one step closer to that incredible image?