Pre-Christmas Cleaning Checklist

Pre-Christmas Cleaning Checklist


The great news is that despite all the uncertainty in 2020, we will be able to visit and spend Christmas with our families and friends. That’s absolutely fantastic. But also, since you might be hosting a mini (or not so mini) party at your home, deep cleaning before the holidays is back on the table. To make it easier for all of you who want to brace it themselves, we put together a Pre-Christmas Cleaning Checklist.



The Exterior


Ugh! That’s tough, cold and unpleasant. Yes, we know, but you must make sure the facade and the exterior of your home also look presentable. After all, that's the very first thing your guests will see when they arrive. Furthermore, a good clean is essential before you put up all the outdoor decorations and Christmas lights. To be entirely honest, that's probably a job that should always be left to the professionals. There are cleaning companies who specialise in exterior cleaning and they would do a brilliant job.


The Hall


Moving on to the next spot of your guests’ journey in your home - the hall. It’s very important for that place to be well organised, clean and tidy. It is worth setting up a system mirroring that of a cloakroom. Shoes, bags and coats must have designated spaces to go to. Not only to avoid mixing up, but also to minimise the risk of contamination with bacteria and viruses brought from outside.


The Bathroom


The bathroom must be squeaky clean and sanitised before the arrival of your guests. Use antibacterial and virucidal cleaning products prior to the party. Don’t forget you have to do the exact same thing after your visitors leave too.


We also recommend leaving a scented candle or an air freshener in the bathroom to give it a more homely and nice feeling.


The Guest Bedrooms


If your guests are staying over you must get their room in the right inviting and relaxing condition. A deep clean is a good idea, especially if the room is not used most of the time. Wash the pillows and duvets, put fresh linen on, make sure there’s no dust built up on the furniture and ventilate well to allow free flow of fresh air.


Finishing touches like a bouquet of flowers, candles or natural air fresheners with essential oils always go a long way. They could make your guests feel really special and welcome.


The Kitchen


You absolutely cannot skip the kitchen. That’s actually a top priority on your pre-Christmas cleaning checklist whether you are expecting any guests or not. Christmas is traditionally associated with a lot of cooking and none of those meals will taste delicious if they are cooked in a dirty oven or messy stoves. Not to mention the health risks of letting your kitchen go without a deep clean before the holidays.


The Living Room


We know the living room will be the place where the most action happens during the festivities. But we purposely left it last on the checklist because you will be cleaning up until the last minute before your guests arrive. First and most important thing is to create space. So, if you are naturally someone who is prone to cluttering, that has to change now. The more unnecessary stuff you have lying around in your living room, the less space you get to actually have fun with your family and friends.


All this may sound a little overwhelming, especially in such a short period of time. But hey, that’s exactly why we are here! Give us a call and we will do our best to come straight to the rescue!