How to Choose the Right Commercial Cleaners

It’s often a tough choice when you have to pick the right commercial cleaners for your business premises. There are a lot of things you need to take into account and avoid future problems. Luckily, we have been in the industry long enough to be able to give you good advice.

Always Work with Cleaning Companies

There aren’t many freelance cleaners who offer commercial cleaning services, but even if you have found one, we would advise you to look for a company instead. Many independent cleaners do not have insurances in place which is essential in serving commercial properties. What is more, if there is an accident or the person falls sick, they might not be able to find a replacement on time and this could potentially harm your business.

With a cleaning company you won’t have those worries. Any reputable organisation in this sector is fully insured and employs many people, so they can always find a cover.

Ask to See Certificates

Training for commercial cleaning is essential. When you are looking for a professional cleaner to maintain your office or other business premises, you must be sure they are qualified to do the job. Especially after the global pandemic with COVID-19, cleaners must undergo specific training and demonstrate ability to follow strict health and safety guidelines.

Ask for Recommendations from other Commercial Clients

The right cleaning company for your business would be able to provide genuine feedback from other commercial clients they’ve worked with. Ideally, look for cleaners who can demonstrate experience in the same or similar sector to yours. Be aware that domestic cleaning and commercial cleaning are very different and while a particular company may have glowing reviews from private clients, it may not be the same when it comes to businesses.

Ask about the Equipment and Cleaning Products

Commercial cleaners should be able to bring their own cleaning equipment to every visit. Knowing what kind of cleaning products are used on your premises is absolutely crucial. Some chemicals can cause severe allergic reactions to your employees or customers. In addition, corporate responsibility requires every business to think of ways to minimise their footprint in environmental pollution. Hiring a cleaning company that works with eco-friendly, but also effective cleaning products is a good step in that direction.

There are various factors you need to take into consideration when choosing the right commercial cleaners for your business. Schedule a meeting and ask all the questions you have in mind. You are mainly looking for experience, skills, reliability and integrity. The right company will be more than a contractor to your business, they will act as your partners.