Making Schools and Nurseries COVID-Safe

The Government has proposed early years education and some primary school pupils to come back to their classrooms from 1st June. The society is in two minds about this prospect, however, everyone realises that a safe and clean environment is best for all our children.

Disinfection and Cleaning for Schools

In less than 2 weeks, we expect to see Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 students to return to school. We know that the classes will be split into two and teaching staff will try really hard to help children maintain proper social distancing. This is a mission, almost close to impossible, considering the fragile age of the pupils. That’s exactly the reason why a high standard of hygiene needs to be maintained at school at all times.

Furthermore, most schools have been open during the lockdown for children of key workers. The official government guidelines say these children need to be separated from their classmates who will be returning at the beginning of June.

Before opening its doors to a new group of pupils, every primary school should think about disinfection of the premises and a deep clean. We know that most schools employ cleaning staff internally, however, in the conditions of a global pandemic, effective cleaning can only be done by specifically trained professionals. Licensing, insurance and qualifications should also be required.

Deep Cleaning Before Reopening Nurseries

There’s enough scientific research that suggests nursery age children are least affected by the spread of COVID-19. However, their immunity system is susceptible to many other infectious diseases, which is why impeccable hygiene is crucial across all childcare settings.

Most nurseries have been closed during the lockdown, while a small percentage continued to look after the children of key workers. In both scenarios a professional deep cleaning is essential before reopening or welcoming more children.

Our staff at Bredon Hill Cleaning Services attended several remote training events over the past 8 weeks to ensure we are fully prepared to provide high quality, comprehensive and effective cleaning services for commercial premises. We have been working with local nurseries and other childcare providers long before the pandemic. We would love to help more of these settings provide the safest conditions for our youngest generation.

Helping Childminders run their Business in a COVID-safe Environment

Without childminders a high percentage of the workforce will suffer. This is one of the essential small businesses that are just coming back after the lockdown.

Taking care of children helps childminders make a living and it also helps parents go back to work. It is a win-win for the economy. Also, many parents prefer sending their young children to childminders rather than nurseries to avoid mixing of large groups.

Every childminder should make sure their setting is COVID-safe before accepting any children back. Usually this involves a deep cleaning and disinfection after that. The job imposes some health hazards, so it’s best performed by qualified and certified cleaners.

As a growing business, Bredon Hill Cleaning Services we are keen on helping other small businesses, contribute to the development of the local economy and of course, serve the community to the best of our abilities. Contact us today if you need assistance for making your commercial setting COVID-safe.